

One month complete! Here’s five things I’ve noticed so far:

  1. I started out doing my blind contour drawings as I stated here. I’m glad I went into it with a solid plan. Those first few days, it was more important to work on building this habit than to worry about how things looked.
  2. After about a week, I continued with my drawing the same way but I started to photograph the scene, not just the drawing. For one, the photographs were more interesting to me this way. I enjoyed this part of the process just as much, if not more, than the actual drawing. It was a good way to show how this IS a habit. It happens at about the same time, same space, and in a similar way EVERY morning.
  3. It was good to make little changes (like a new pen) along the way. It kept things fresh. When I got bored with drawing my kids eating breakfast, I looked to my inspiration artists for ideas. My first and last drawing of the month look very different, but it was a gradual process getting from there to here.
  4. Getting out on artists dates and looking at other artists online helped to keep me inspired. There’s so much cool stuff out there. I need to see it often but in small doses. I want to spend the majority of my time creating, not consuming. I also don’t want to start feeling inferior. My (insert YOUR here for you) creative habits are just as important as the next artist’s.
  5. Posting everyday here and on Instagram kept me accountable. I did not want to miss a day; I allowed myself no excuses. If you aren’t sharing your progress with others daily then you are missing out on a big part of the process.


What did you learn this month? What changes will you make as we begin our second month? Let me know here and be sure to check in with me tomorrow. It’s time for another giveaway!

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